
Monday, 1 August 2011

Summer Vegetarian Meal Plan

Here's my latest meal plan for summer vegetarian family food - some of these recipes include eggs and dairy products but most are easily veganised. Use the delicious seasonal vegetables around at the moment to cut down on cost, and refrigerate or freeze left-overs for lunches. Use up any remaining vegetables in the casserole/pasta bake at the end of the week.

See my 3 meals a day vegetarian meal plan for quick and easy breakfast and lunch ideas.

Week 1

MondayVeggie Sloppy Joes with salad and sweet potato chips
Tuesday: Aubergine and cheese bake with pasta
Wednesday: Vegetarian chorizo sausages in wraps with salad
Thursday: Pasta with tomato and vegetable sauce.
Friday: Pesto and antipasti tart with new potatoes and seasonal veg.
Saturday: Veggie burger/veggie sausage in a bread roll with a trio of salads.
Sunday: Stuffed mushrooms with cous cous.

Week 2
Monday: Falafels with salad, pitta bread and tzatziki dip.
Wednesday: Roasted vegetables with halloumi, in wraps.
Thursday: Pasta with tomato and vegetable sauce.
Friday: Lentil and pesto burgers with corn on the cob and cheesy potato wedges.
Sunday: Turkish vegetable casserole with cous cous.

Week 3

MondayPotato Masala Parathas with salad.
Tuesday: Squash, lentil and sweet potato salad with cous cous. 
Wednesday: Hummus with pitta bread and crudités.
Thursday: Paneer and pepper fajitas 
Friday Veggie mince shammi kebabs with pilau rice
Saturday: Aubergine and cheese bake with salad and garlic bread.


  1. So pleased I've found you - am now following. All my recipes are face-free too.

  2. Fantastic. I am having my veggie friend to stay soon, so this is a real godsend. I have been using some of your other recipes too and they are going down great.

  3. Thankyou both for your comments. Glad you like the recipes :-)

  4. Do you have any tips for making halloumi less squeaky on the teeth? It really puts me off but I love the taste.

  5. Hi Hannah, I love the squeakiness of halloumi! I have found that if you cook it less and don't let it dry out, it has a softer texture though. For example when you add it to roasted vegetables, stir it in, add a drop of vegetable stock, cover the dish with foil and return to the oven until heated through. HTH


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