
Saturday, 22 November 2014

Caramelised Roast Parsnips

Caramelised Roast Parsnips
This is my vegan version of honey roasted parsnip's, made without the honey! I absolutely love roasted parsnips but, unfortunately, none of the family do, so I make the full quantity below and freeze any left overs for another meal...or eat them cold the next day!

Serves 2-4 as a side dish.
  • 4 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 2 tablespoons soft brown sugar
  • 1lb/450g parsnips, peeled weight
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • 2 tsp fresh chopped Rosemary
Heat oven to 190C/180C fan.
Peel the parsnips, cut into halves or quarters, and remove the woody cores if the parsnips are large. Cut into thick batons.
Place oil and sugar in a roasting pan and mix together. Add the parsnips and coat with the mixture. Season with black pepper and sprinkle the chopped rosemary over.
Cover tightly with foil and roast for 30 minutes.
Remove the foil carefully (to allow the steam to escape) and turn the parsnips gently, so that they don't break up too much.
Roast the parsnips, uncovered, for a further 10-15 minutes until lightly browned.
Serve with Christmas Dinner.


  1. I'll definitely save this recipe to try soon. :)

  2. I just LOVE roasted parsnips! Christmas wouldn't be the same without them!

    1. I could happily munch through a bowl full of roast parsnips and skip Christmas dinner!


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