
Saturday, 21 June 2014

Cinnamon Sugar Mini Muffin Doughnuts

Cinnamon Sugar Mini Muffin Doughnuts
When I saw Michelle from Utterly Scrummy's recipe for these delicious-looking, mini muffin-doughnuts (which are obviously not Duffins!), I just had to make them. They're really simple to make, and taste even better then they look! They have the taste and texture of those mini supermarket doughnuts.

I made a few minor changes to the recipe as follows...

  • I halved the recipe (to make 24) and replaced the cinnamon in the cake mixture with vanilla extract. 
  • To coat the muffins, I mixed 2 tsp of cinnamon with 6 tbsp sugar. 
  • I melted around 4 tbsp butter and after dipping a couple and seeing how much butter each muffin absorbed, I decided to just dip the 'muffin tops' into the butter, but still roll the whole cakes in the cinnamon sugar.

 Bookmarked RecipesI froze half of the batch and took a few out to defrost as and when anyone fancied one. They are best served warm and I found that a 10-15 second blast in the microwave did the job, without affecting the taste or texture.

My next challenge is to make a vegan version, so watch this space!

I'm adding this post to this month's Bookmarked Recipes over on Tinned Tomatoes.


  1. Oh pass a few this way Lisa, if you haven't eaten them already that is!

    1. Sorry, they've all been eaten now...I'll send you a couple of my next batch though ;-)

  2. I remember seeing these on Michelle's blog too! It does sound like a great recipe. Sadly I'm trying to avoid making sweet things at the moment


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