Miss Ony has had a letter from school about an ahem 'educational' school trip to Chester Zoo and of course she wants to go, as all her friends are going.
Being a vegetarian, I'm not a big fan of traditional zoos; Partly due to the whole animals for entertainment issue and partly for animal welfare issues. A zoo seems like a bit of a freak show to me..."Hey kids lets go and laugh at the funny animals walking back and forth in their
On the other hand I do see a need to protect and breed endangered species and I applaud their breeding of native species like the hazel dormouse, but is Chester really the right place to be breeding elephants?
So, back to my dilemma on the school trip...Mr O is paying for her to go, to keep my conscience clear(ish).
Hello! No, we don't do zoos or safari parks! I wrote a post a while ago explaining my reasons for taking my daughter out of school because they were going to a pig farm and I did the same when one of my sons end of term 'treat' was a visit to the zoo. If you'd like to read the post give me a shout and I'll point you in the right direction(I don't like leaving links in comments...looks a bit rude!) Nice to meet another veggie! I do a meat free Monday slot on my blog!