I initially thought this might be a good topic to kick off my first ever blog hop, but then decided that might be a tad too specific for some of you, so I settled on the subject of My First, My Latest and My Favourite (anything)...
Why cookbooks? Well, Cass from Frugal Family recently blogged about her first ever cookbook. Memories came flooding back about my first recipe book, which I still have. It's The Children's Cookery Book by Zita Alden and Yvonne Bourbon (published in 1973) which my older cousin, Jane, passed down to me.
This book is a real piece of 70's culinary and social history, with a foreword from Ed (Stewpot) Stewart, bright almost garish pictures, handy tips for kids on how to wash up, and helpful comments from 'Molly Mistake' who always gets things wrong when she's cooking. The recipes themselves are traditional British budget family meals plus desserts, cakes and sweets.
One of my favourite recipes from the book is Chocolate Crunchies which was a staple at most of my own birthday parties, and one that still goes down well with my kids and their friends.
My latest and my current favourite cookbook are one and the same...Rose Elliot's New Complete Vegetarian, which I received as a Christmas present. I know I've already given this book a free plug, but every recipe I've tried from the book has worked out really well, and (more importantly) has been eaten and enjoyed by all the family. I reckon this book will stand the test of time, and will be one of my all time favourite cook books.Although I very rarely manage to stick to a recipe without feeling the need to tweak something, I've more or less stuck to each recipe I've tried from this book, as I tend to like the ingredients and have them all to hand. Tonight's dinner consisted of Rose Elliot's Spinach Tart, which to my amazement was met with rave reviews by all the family. The kids have even managed to follow a few of the recipes themselves, with only a little help from me.
One of my favourite recipes from the book so far is Stuffed Aubergines with Peppers and Feta, as this contains 3 of my favourite ingredients. It makes a really tasty meal served with rice or pasta.
So it's over to you. Share Your First, Your Latest and Your Favourite, by clicking on the Linky below...your post doesn't have to be about cookbooks or even books, so let your imagination run wild and get hopping! Links need to be in by 20th Feb 2011. Remember to 'get the code' below and link back to this post from yours to keep the hop going! {LINKY CLOSED}
Great idea for a blog hop! I must see if I can track down my first cookery book - I know which one it was but not sure if it's here with me or not. Failing that I'll have to find a picture on Amazon (if they have one which I doubt).
ReplyDeleteI have Rose Eliot's Bean Book which was a recent re-purchase via Amazon Marketplace, it's only a little paperback without any pictures but an absolutely seminal guide to pulses.
Thanks Sarah. look forward to reading your post.
ReplyDeleteI might be asking for cupcake advice too, as I just got an order for some cupcakes from a work colleague!
What a great idea for a blog hop ;-)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the link too x x
Thanks for the inspiration!
ReplyDeleteThis really got me thinking - thanks for the idea. I feel like doing a bit of baking now!