
Monday, 3 January 2011

On the quest for tasty tofu!

I've made up an extra New Year's Resolution: To learn how to cook tasty tofu!

Now, I reckon I'm a pretty good cook. I can turn my hand to Indian, Greek, Italian and even English food...but Chinese and Thai dishes are not my forte! I first experimented with tofu, many years ago in my student days, long before the invention of Quorn and the many other meat subs now on the market. My efforts were somewhat bland and uninspiring though, which put me off.

I've recently been tempted back to the bean curd since eating a couple of fab spicy and crispy tofu dishes at Chinese and Thai restaurants. I want to have a go at recreating those textures and flavours at home, so this week I'm going to try for a Thai tofu dish. I'm not a big fan of convenience foods and cook-in sauces, but I've bought a jar of Asda's vegetarian Thai green curry paste (look out for fishy ingredients in other brands) for my first attempt.

Find out how the quest ended here.


  1. You don't just need to cook Asian food. We use this recipe a lot and we're not even veggie. Be sure not to use the cheapest pasta sauce but it's really good and you can throw in extra layers of veggies (e.g. spinach) at whim.

  2. Thanks for that idea and recipe!


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