
Friday, 6 March 2015

Hobnob Biscuits

Hobnob Biscuits
I thought I'd have a go at making home made Hobnob biscuits as they're a family favourite. We were all quite impressed with the results. They actually taste like genuine Hobnobs! 

This recipe is a great one to make with little ones (or big ones!) for Mother's Day, as the cookie dough is very easy to make and can be mixed and rolled by hand, if you don't want to use a mixer or food processor.

Makes around 18-20 biscuits
  • 75g/3oz white SR Flour
  • 75g/3oz wholemeal SR flour (if you don't have this, use white SR flour)
  • 100g/4oz porridge oats (or fine oatmeal)
  • 150g/6oz dairy-free/vegan spread
  • 100g/4oz granulated sugar
  • 1 tbsp golden syrup
  • 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
  • 100g/4oz dairy-free chocolate to top, optional
Pre-heat oven to 160C/150C Fan/Gas 3/325F

If using porridge oats, grind them for a few seconds in a food processor or liquidiser to make your own fine oatmeal.

Rub or blend (in a food processor) the spread/margarine into the flours and oats, until you have the consistency of coarse breadcrumbs. 
Mix in the oats, bicarb. and sugar.
Drizzle the syrup over, and mix or blend well until you have a firm dough. Add a little more syrup, if the mixture is too dry.

Roll the dough into around 18-20 small balls, using your hands.
Place, spaced well apart, on greased baking trays and flatten slightly.

Bake for 17-20 minutes, until dark, golden brown.
Allow to cool on the trays for 5 minutes before removing and cooling on a wire rack.
Store in an airtight container for up to 5 days.

Suitable for freezing.

 Family FoodiesOptions: If you prefer a softer cookie, bake for 12 minutes, until pale golden brown.
To make chocolate hobnobs, allow the biscuits to cool completely. Melt the chocolate and dip each cookie into the melted chocolate. Alternatively, drizzle the chocolate over the cookies.

I'm linking this post to this month's Family Foodies  baking challenge co-hosted by Eat Your Veg and Bangers & Mash


  1. That looks heavenly. Superb one.

  2. Hello Lisa, I found your blog when I was googling vegan bread pudding. I made it today and showed it on my blog, with a link to your recipe. I wasn't sure whether to use the Orgran dry or make it up with water before adding it to the recipe. Anyway, it was very tasty and I look forward to trying these biscuits next. I don't usually bake, so I went for an easy recipe first (the bread pudding), but I think I will try some more of your recipes.
    Nice to meet you! Kath

    1. I've done both in the past, depending on the recipe. In this case I think I added it dry, along with the dried fruit and sugar. I'm glad you liked it and thanks for linking up x

  3. My son has cooking next week and had to choose his own recipe so I suggested this one. I decided to try it out while I was weighing his ingredients out so I could take some to work, but my kids ate the whole first batch! Guess can put it down as a success. I really don't like shop bought hobnobs but these ones are much nicer. If I'd had more time I'd coat them in chocolate too.

    1. Thanks for your lovely comment. I'm so glad you all liked the biscuits...they went pretty quickly in my house too!


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