
Friday, 9 September 2011

It's the very first Fish Free Friday

Fish Free FridayFish Free Friday We all know about Meat Free Mondays, but have you heard of Fish Free Fridays? It's the new campaign by the Vegetarian Society, which hopes to raise awareness of the fact that vegetarians don't eat fish (no, not even fishfingers!) and that the current commercial fishing industry is not sustainable.

If you want to join in and spread the word, visit the Vegetarian Society website


  1. Great idea! I am (ashamed face) a lapsed vegetarian turned fussy non-veggie but I remember it used to really annoy me when people asked if I ate fish.

  2. Hello! via Net Mums Blogger network.We're partially veggie.I did a slow introduction with my kids over a few months and did the whole of Vegetarian Week.I like this idea as everyone does Meat free Mondays and I'm looking for something new to blog about.I found the vegetarian society we're absolutely brilliant when it came to providing with info on meals.I'll write up a recipe for this Friday and put a link back to you.

  3. Thanks for your comments Helen and Aly.
    I think FFF is a great idea too...I look forward to seeing your recipe Aly.

  4. Had a bad week, long story.But I have written up a post for next week.

  5. It really really really annoys me when people ask if i eat fish.... Then the unavoidable "well some people...". Plus people who say "i don't eat anything with a face" then eat fish - fish is the most likely food to come with a face!!!! (that wasn't a dig at you and your blog - just the people who think veggies will eat fish)


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