
Saturday, 19 March 2011

Peace Winds Japan - Disaster appeal fund

I wouldn't normally post to ask people to donate money, especially at the moment when so many of us are affected by the recession in some way or other; But like so many others around the world , I've been horrified at the tragic ongoing events in Japan, which have resulted from the earthquake and tsunami.

I've never been to Japan, and not wanting to appear or feel hypocritical, I need to say that I've never wanted to - partly due to the 'scientific' killing of whales from Japan's waters. Nevertheless, I have been almost transfixed by the harrowing images of the tsunami sweeping away whole villages and towns, and the impending nuclear situation, which has made me reevaluate my opinion of the country and its residents.

Without wanting to make sweeping cultural generalisations, I understand that the Japanese are known for remaining calm and dignified in the face of adversity, so I think that the images of mothers who have lost children, children who appear shocked and bewildered, and grown men shedding a silent tear, have moved me so much. 

I wanted to help in some small way, but didn't know which would be the best charity to donate to, until an email arrived from Jason Gissing (co-founder of Ocado) this week, which prompted me into action.

These are his words..."Japan faces its worst crisis since 1945. In the past week, many people have told me that they wish to help but do not know how to. My mother is Japanese and I have spoken to many family members and friends living in Japan. They have recommended that the best way to help is to make a donation via Mercy Corps to Peace Winds Japan, a local Tokyo-based NGO. We have pledged to match the first £20,000 of donations made by our team and customers. If you can, please claim GiftAid on your contribution so even more money goes directly to help the people of Japan."
Please think about donating here via the Ocado JustGiving page.

Find out more about Peace Winds Japan or donate directly here.

Thanks for reading.

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