
Thursday, 17 February 2011

World book day - Part 2

Image © Onykahonie
You may remember that Miss Kahonie had decided that she wanted to dress up as Amy from Little Women for World Book Day, so we started our search for a suitable costume. I posted on my local Freegle site and looked in 4 or 5 local charity shops with no luck...not an old fashioned dress in sight...I blame Ebay!

Our search then extended to the cheaper shops in town, such as Peacocks and Primark. In Primark, we were looking through the sale rail (I like a bargain), when something gold and shiny caught my eye. I pulled out a black size 8 maxi dress with eye-catching gold embellishments; Not at all like something Amy would wear, but very glamorous in a Greek/Roman/Egyptian-esque way. All thoughts of pink frilliness seemed to disappear from Miss Kahonie's mind in a Midas-inspired moment.

Even more appealing, was the price of £5 (reduced from £17 and now selling on Ebay for £23.99!). We both agreed that Gok Wan would approve of the purchase and that he would recommend taking the dress up at the shoulder and hem, and adding a bit of haberdashery, a gold headband and some blinging Primark jewellery.

But what book character would wear that dress? We stood there in Primark, buffeted in all directions by other customers, dress firmly in hand, discussing books...that must be a first for their customers ;-) Miss Kahonie has a book of Greek myths and legends, a Percy Jackson book and has been studying the Ancient Greeks at school, so it didn't take her long to come up with the idea of dressing up as Percy-phone - AKA Persephone, Hades' wife...yes, my daughter is going to dress up as the Queen of the Underworld for Book Day (just as well it's not a church school, eh?!)


  1. Fab dress...what a bargain! Perfect for the Queen of the Underworld!! xxx

  2. Fabulous! Our daughters would get on very well!


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